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September 22 Club Meeting

A wonderful group of club members were treated to an informative program from Grant Recipients from the 2023 distribution of monies of AGC.  Vice President  Jennifer Ogden welcomed every one at the Manito Meeting room on Friday September 22. 

Our first recipient to speak was Andy Boyd representing the Browne’s Addition Garden group. They were given a Grant to purchase new bark and plants for the traffic circles in the neighborhoods of Browne’s Addition. Andy thanked AGC for their continued support and told some fun stories about the work parties and people stopping by as they beautified the circles! They also will be doing some winter pruning of over grown trees later this year.  Andy’s enthusiasm was contagious and enjoyed by all!

Our next Grant recipient speaker was Kristi Phillip from St John’s Cathedral and the Community Garden Program that is run by church community. Our Grant assisted in purchasing a 65 gallon composter for the gardens. There are a total of 32 boxes located at the gardens. The boxes can be rented for $5.00 a season. Produce grown is shared with food banks, folks at Canterbury Court, and families in need. The Grants have assisted in building a shed, a porch, and purchasing tools over the years. They are just getting the composter going and are excited to receive the monies to make this happen!  Kristi also thanked AGC for the continued support of this very important community project!

Third to speak was Kelli Brown from the Friends of Manito. Kelli is the President and shared about their Endowment.  Friends of Manito is seeking to provide more of the  funding themselves for  programs such as the Holiday Lights driving display,  to the many children’s programs; they continually work to improve Spokane’s Manito Park. The group is working on a new butterfly/pollinator garden and planning an area where school groups can come to the park, be seated and learn all about pollinator gardens. They are working with the school district to develop a curriculum for the district to utilize in the future. Friends of Manito also rebranded this year and she handed out the stickers representing the new FOM logo to everyone in attendance. Even though they specifically didn’t receive Grant money from AGC this year, over the years AGC have given grants to many of the facilities in Manito Park.  Kelli also spoke about their involvement with the 50 year celebration of Expo 74 which will be a major community event next year!

Our last speaker was Kyle Mills , Troop 304, who received a Grant from AGC for his Eagle Project. Kyle took a parcel of land near St John’s Cathedral and turned it into a beautiful park like setting. He created herb garden boxes where they are raising sage, basil, parsley etc . The boxes are water controlled , and a lovely walkway was made with a cross as a focal point of the transformed area. He thanked the AGC group for the grant that allowed him to do this and complete his Eagle Project.

Lastly, Mary Jo Woods was in attendance and she stood up to thank AGC for the $3000 Grant for the gazebo at Eden Gardens. Though the funds were received a couple of years ago, but they just finished the final touches on the gazebo. She said the gardens will be on the 2025 Garden tours for Spokane area and they are thrilled with the gazebo, which provides needed shade for their gardeners!

AGC Members enjoying the speakers



The meeting was adjourned and refreshments enjoyed by all.

© Associated Garden Clubs of Spokane 2023