HIGH LIGHTS for 2022:
September 23, 2022 General Meeting – guest speakers were Kim Lango and Dorene Wade, Master Gardeners. They spoke on Fall bulb planting and the much-anticipated spring splash of color!
October 28,2022 General Meeting – Mike Beegle sharing his expertise on Heirloom Tomato growing. He brought many tomatoes to share with the audience. Everyone enjoyed learning how to produce bigger yields! A delightful way to end our year before our winter break!
Meanwhile, 2023 planting lists were discussed by Board for the upcoming plant sale, hanging pots purchased for future planters, plants eagerly decided upon and ordered.
HIGH LIGHTS for 2023:
February 2023 arrived and so begins another year for AGC ! As our gardeners anticipated the first day of planting and the return to the “Hoop House,” Jennifer and Delia were busy planning for our Plant Sale in May!
Those giving of a few hours to work in the greenhouse have discovered it’s secrets! There is so much fun with constant knowledge being absorbed; besides the fact that ‘playing in the soil” is wonderful therapy, many new friendships have been formed! The passion to “Beautify Spokane’s gardens” is the backbone to our group! If you haven’t had opportunity to work in the greenhouse you should!
March 28, 2023 was the first General Meeting of the new year. We were honored to have author Susan Mulvihill share her extensive knowledge of gardening! She focused on problem solving in our vegetable gardens, but much of what she shared could be applied to all types of gardens! She even brought her published books to sell and autograph for those attending. An awesome, informative way to begin the new year!
April 28, 2023 the General Meeting again welcomed Mike Beegle as our speaker: this time he shared his knowledge on how to successfully sow seeds while avoiding common pitfalls in sowing.
Mike is an organic farmer with many new ideas for advancing his farm techniques in the works! We will all look forward to hearing from him again in the future!
May arrived with a flurry of activities! For members of AGC, this is our busiest month! Our ANNUAL PLANT SALE took place May 7 & 8 near the greenhouse! Did you know that 100% of the sale proceeds provide many Grant Recipients with the funds to accomplish many community projects. (More on Grants later) AGC sells container planters, house plants, veggies, bedding plants …all nurtured and cared for by AGC workers in the hoop house! Approximately $12,000.00 was made from the sale, and $17,000 given away in our grants process!
Thank you to all who participated and to those members who would like to volunteer- this is another place you can give back to the community!
May 16, 2023 was the Lilac Luncheon hosted by AGC for the Lilac Festival and our members. It was held at the Double Tree by Hilton. This is a historic event that AGC looks forward to every year! Many hands went into its success and another fun fact…did you know that AGC awards a scholarship to one of the Princesses each year for their future educational goals? This year Princess Lori from Ferris High School received the Spirit of Lilac Scholarship of $1500.00 from AGC! The luncheon is a high spot in our year as we enjoy entertainment, guest speakers and the awarding of “Member of the Year!” Money is also raised through our Silent Auction with chances to win one of many donated gift baskets by community businesses and members!
May 26, 2023 was our final General Meeting of the year. We were treated to a wonderful presentation by Lynn Schafer, former Rose Society President and 40 year master rosarian! She provided a lovely slide presentation and shared her experiences with caring and nurturing roses in the garden!
We also had a presentation by one of our Grant Recipients. Franklin Elementary school’s Community Garden leader Michelle shared that our grant money has provided several raised beds and the children have planted and are sharing the fruits of their labors this summer! It has been very a successful program and has resulted in an ongoing garden club of students and parents throughout the summer. They are expanding their educational curriculum with the help of additional grant for AGC this coming year!
The following are recipients of our GRANT PROGRAM this year:
Boy Scout/Eagle Scout Candidate Kyle Mills for herb planter boxes and walkway at St John’s Cathedral – $880.51 to benefit the community garden, Cathedral kitchen and programs.
Browne’s Addition Garden Group plant materials for Cannon Circle & Sunset Island traffic circle beds – $390.00
City of Spokane Parks & Recreation Trail for Blind at Finch Arboretum to be relocated – $4887.00.
Franklin Elementary School Garden for soil, plants and seeds to continue this worthwhile project – $2500.00
Friends of Moore Turner Heritage Garden: a bench at the upper level – $2800.00
St. John’s Community Garden request for composter – $300.00
YMCA of Inland Northwest help with greenhouse/educational program needs supplies – $5025.00